Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
YMS Episode 24 -- What We've Learned So Far
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
When we started the Youth Ministry Sherpas Podcast six months ago, we had no idea what we are getting into. Now, 51 episodes later...we still have no idea!
But after 24 full-length episodes, 26 Sherpa Shorts, plus our introductory episode (00)--all since January 16--here's what we've learned so far:
Podcasting is expensive
It's a lot of work and a lot of fun
Talking into a mic is awkward
Youth ministry is thriving around the country
Everybody needs encouragement
We don't have that many listeners, but at least our family loves us
We might even have something of value to say
And most importantly, we like each other, maybe even more than when we started!
After today's episode (#24), we are taking a six-week break. This gives you time to catch up on all our episodes! In the meantime...
Sign on to follow us on any podcast app!
Have fun checking out our website http://youthministrysherpas.com/
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Post comments and say "Hi" everywhere. This really encourages us!
Ask us for free stickers at info@youthministrysherpas.com and we'll send you free stickers!
Share YMS with your friends and fellow youth workers everywhere!
We'll be back September 4!
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
YMS Episode 23 -- Self Care
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
We all need to take a break. We all need to take care of ourselves. Even if you think you have the stamina of a Sherpa, trust us -- you need to step off the trail and rest.
In today's episode (#23), Steve and Mathew share their ideas for taking care of ourselves. Even though these seem obvious, we don't always do a great job of being intentional about them. Things like taking time off, finding a hobby, spoiling ourselves, going to conferences, visiting other churches, and pursuing friendships with people who don't care that we're a pastor -- these are the things that have given us life and have kept us in youth ministry for the long haul. We used to feel badly about them, but not anymore!
In fact, we recorded this episode the day before Steve left for 8 nights in Jamaican paradise!
Oh, and you should see the beach house we rented for #DYM200!
If you aren't doing these things, please try them. We guarantee you'll like them. You'll be a better person, and a better youth worker.
Enjoy--and DO--Episode 23 -- Self Care!
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
YMS Episode 22 -- Student Leadership
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Developing Student Leaders is one of the most important aspects of our role as youth workers. It's also one of the most challenging. Are we ready to relinquish control? Are we ready to allow students to fail? Are we ready to work through the messiness of mistakes in order to discover the fruit and joy?
Steve and Mathew have worked through many aspects of Student Leadership. We've tried lots of ideas, forms and structures. Despite our many iterations, there are many things we haven't figured out yet. Maybe there are no clear cut answers. Nevertheless, we have had some success. Steve has three young leaders on his staff that our proof that we've done something right.
in this episode, we talk about what we've tried, learned, missed and messed up. We also talk about what may have worked along the way.
We'll keep trying, because we believe in students, and we believe our greatest achievement is to raise up the next generation of leaders for the church.
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
YMS Episode 21 -- Blind Squirrels
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. Two doofus youth pastors get something right now and then. We might have even hit a good golf shot on occasion.
Last episode (#20), Steve and Mathew lamented about the things we would do differently if we could do them again. So many years, so many mistakes! In this episode --EPISODE 21 -- we share our "blind squirrel" moments, those rare times when we almost accidentally did something that actually worked and became a key part of our youth ministry. Most of the time, we had no idea what we were doing, thus proving it's better to be lucky than smart.
Which pretty much sums up our golf games, too, as this episode was recorded an hour or so after a terrible (but fun) round of golf. Though a club may have been thrown, and multiple balls were lost, no squirrels were injured in the making of this podcast.
What are your "blind squirrel" moments? We'd love to hear.
Gotta try out this game Mathew mentioned:
Let us know if you want some free Youth Ministry Sherpas stickers!
(We got them here)
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
YMS Episode 20 -- Hindsight is 20/20
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018
Sometimes you need to look back to see what's ahead.
Mathew wishes he had gotten glasses sooner. By the time Jesus healed his eyes with spit and mud at 17 (okay, it was the eye doctor at the mall), he had missed out on a lot. Meanwhile, by 17, Steve was already wearing his Kurt Rambis Rec Specs and intimidating 6' 0" power forwards all across the basketball courts of Western Pennsylvania.
Now, neither of us can imagine not having contacts and being able to see clearly.
Our vision is important, but it becomes even clearer when we can look back and see what we missed the first time around. Or see what we would do differently. In celebration of our 20th episode, Steve and Mathew reflect on what we would do differently if we could start again from scratch in programming, in leadership, and in our personal ministry.
We have a few regrets, but maybe our mistakes can help you see things more clearly for yourself.
Kurt Rambis' NBA Career:
Recommendation for annual programming & planning
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
YMS Episode 19 -- The Newbies
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Do you remember what it was like your first day on the job?
It's a nerve-wracking experience for everybody. You are self-conscious. You are unsure of yourself. And you have little idea you are getting yourself into.
In this episode, Steve and Mathew reflect on their first days on the job. Having been the "check" in box #1, Mathew walked into a staff meeting where they were looking to fill box #2. Steve walked into the "brand new" church offices, located inside a 250-year-old mansion filled with mice and Civil War re-enacters. Eighteen years later, and he still feels like a Yankee.
Today, we also welcomed two "Newbies," two guys from our local network who have been in their positions less than one month. Fletcher Abbott and Danny Jackson talk with Steve and Mathew about the interview process, the first days on the job, and what in the world they are thinking about as they begin this new adventure.
Whether you're a seasoned vet, an unemployed wannabe, or a "newbie" yourself, we think you'll enjoy this fun conversation.
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
YMS Episode 18 -- Ambition
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
We all have things we want to accomplish in life. Mathew wants to climb Half Dome in Yosemite (he's planning to do so in a few months). Steve wants to write a book and break 90 in golf (not sure which one is more likely). We were also thinking of starting a shockingly successful and entertaining podcast. Still working on that one.
What about ambition in youth ministry? Have you ever wanted to lead a bigger group, have a bigger platform, or receive more validation? We have, and we're ready to admit it. Mathew once turned down an offer to leave his small church in Wisconsin and lead a ministry of 250 students in Southern California, a decision his first (and still only) wife wasn't always so keen on. Steve wonders what he would have done if his youth ministry had never been able to move out of the high school of the church's infancy and into its own space.
In this episode--one of the Youth Ministry Sherpa's most honest and vulnerable yet--Steve and Mathew discuss the place of ambition in youth ministry. What do we do with the ambitions that rise within us, drive us to do our best, cause us to seek affirmation, and push us forward spiritually and professionally? What do we do when our voice isn't being heard, or when we feel we have something to contribute that isn't appreciated? How do we know when ambition is selfish or premature? And ultimately, what role does our own ambition play in keeping us in youth ministry for the long haul?
Our ambition is that this episode blesses everyone who listens to it.
Enjoy Episode 18: Ambition!
Tuesday May 29, 2018
YMS Episode 17 -- Transitions
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
It's that time of year. One week we say goodbye to our seniors whom we've known and loved for seven years. The next week we're welcoming 11-year-olds and their nervous first-time parents. There's barely time to process it all.
In this episode, Steve and Mathew talk about the importance of transitions. For the incoming 6th graders, Mathew does a reverse Exodus, without the actual Red Sea swallowing any Egyptians. For the outgoing 12th graders, Steve does a Senior Banquet that is guaranteed to make parents (and him) cry. And of course, there's the important transition from middle to high school. How do we make a good impression on new students and families? How do we help our incoming freshmen to feel like they are welcome in a new setting? How do we handle all the emotions and the flurry of activity that go along with so many hellos and goodbyes?
It's Circle of Life we call Transition Season!
Tuesday May 22, 2018
YMS Episode 16 -- Summer Flow
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Summer is almost here! Soon us youth workers will have nothing to do! Except go to camp, the conference, and mission trip. Did we mention family vacation (we hope)?! Summer seems so chill. How does it become so busy?
In today's episode, Steve and Mathew compare notes about how they operate in the summer. Steve gives his volunteers the summer off (a fact Mathew will try to hide from his). Mathew recruits students who play golf so he can "kill two birds with one stone" (or in his case, one golf ball). We both have a lot of people in our churches who take a lot of nice vacations (we are not jealous, just wishful. Ok, we're jealous.). Oh, and we both minimize the weekly programming and instead focus on the major trips and spending time with students. (No, we do not recommend taking them to the local craft beer festival.)
Every region, every church, every youth ministry has a different summer flow. What's yours? How do you make the most of the summer when it comes to programming your ministry and maximizing time with students?
Today's show is interrupted by our first-ever in-studio guest, Leah Barrett, who delivered Starbucks.
We'd love to hear how you go with the "Summer Flow."
Tuesday May 15, 2018
YMS Episode 15 -- When You (Almost) Lose It
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Let's face it--everyone loses it sometimes. We all get mad. In fact, Mathew is still peeved about the Seahawks miraculous comeback against the Packers in the NFC playoffs a few years ago, and Steve can't get over the fact that the Steelers' Jesse James scored the winning touchdown against New England last December according to everyone but the idiots in the replay booth. Can you sense the forceful typing of the keys that typed that sentence??
Middle school and high school kids can set us off. Sometimes they have a gift for it. Sure, we love them, but even the best among us can be driven to the brink of a Hulk-like meltdown. We're human. So are they. They are sinners. So are we. It happens.
Ever heard a parent say, "Don't make me pull this car over?" Well, Steve did it -- twice in one trip -- letting loose with a 20-minute barrage of scolding that still hangs over the parking lot of that Sheetz store somewhere in Virginia. Mathew has been known to slam not one, but two doors exiting the room and leaving his students alone to ponder their horrid behavior. maybe they were just ticked off because they were watching "Edge TV" on VHS? Anyway, he also once dropped the "F" bomb on a girl in the back of church on Sunday morning. Granted, he was "quoting her," but still...
In this episode, we recount our tales of when we lost it with a student or two -- of the whole group. We share some of our "less than stellar" moments when our anger got the best of us. In the end, though, good things can come from our meltdowns. They give us an opportunity for humility and teachable moments.
So listen in--and chill out--with our next episode, "When You (Almost) Lose It."